Humanities Curriculum Ambition:

“Enquire, Explore, Discover”

To have an understanding and respect of the world that they live in by having the opportunity to discover the awe and wonder of our planet’s journey.

To have the confidence to enquire and explore the world around them through meaningful and relevant events in school and in the wider community.


Geography has a significant role to play in the ‘human and social’ area of learning, which is concerned with people and how they live, their relationships with each other and their environments, and how human actions both now and in the past, have influenced events and conditions.

Geography is essential to understanding the world around us. Our pupils experience looking at real places and local environments. Pupils learn about the earth, its land, oceans, weather and climate. Geography allows pupils to explore the world around them through practical activities and a multi-sensory approach. Real experiences of journeys and different locations are an important part of the Geography curriculum and these visits allow our pupils to put what they are learning into a context, as well as developing social skills, literacy, numeracy and a wider social Geography lends itself to environmental and ECO issues and citizenship.

Pupils understanding of geography and concepts are reinforced through literacy, role play, numeracy, field trips and educational visits, visual aids and ICT. Through these activities pupils develop their skills and knowledge whilst having fun.

Take a look at our humanities rolling programme to see about what topics are covered and when from EYFS to key stage 4.


Geography KS1-4 Scheme of Work

Key Stage 5

Geography is taught within a Vocational Studies BTEC where students use their Geographical Understanding of the local area to carry out independent living skills such as navigating their way from one place to another, describing routes, recognising surroundings, identifying places and using maps where appropriate. As part of Learning outside the classroom students experience a variety of human and physical environments within their studies at KS5.