Diaphragm breathing
In science we have been learning how to breathe correctly using our diaphragms. By using a folder we could see how our stomachs rise and fall.
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Ten frames and sums
In maths this week we have been working together to use ten frames to help us work out different sums. Great job 4B!
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Online shopping
In our computing lesson we researched a pizza recipe then went onto an online shop and worked out the price for all the ingredients. Excellent work, 4B!
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Prawn cracker tasting
As part of our learning on Chinese New Year, we tastebtested prawn crackers. We all loved them!
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Chinese New Year
We have been learning all about the Chinese New Year. We got a fortune cookie each and shared what fortune we receive.
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Greater than, less than
Today in maths we have been learning the signs greater than and less then. We then demonstrated what we learnt on the board. Good job 4B!
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Working together as a team
Today in PSHE 4B have been learning how to work together. We have been colouring, playing games, doing jigsaws and building legos. Well done, 4B! What a great team you make.
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Creating our classroom
We have been moving furniture to make out classroom feel great! We have moved chairs, tables and cupboards. We think our classroom looks amazing.
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Happy birthday Rio!!
Happy birthday Rio!! We hope you have had an amazing day
Category: 4B 2024-2025
4B Visit Winter Wonderland
This Monday 4B went to meet Farther Christmas in the Winter Wonderland grotto. Everybody received a special present for all their hard work. 4B then walked through the Winter Wonderland trail and made Ginger Bread Men. Everyone had a great time.
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Life Skills in 4B
In life skills this week 4B have been using their team work skills working together to solve various puzzles. Great team work everyone!
Category: 4B 2024-2025
Science experiments in 4B
Today in our Science lesson 4B have been learning about chemical reactions.
Category: 4B 2024-2025